Xiamen Goodcom Techonology Co., Ltd.


Here is the most frequently asked questions.

Key features & functionality of the Goodcom Android Pos Terminal and Portable Printers. Tech support regarding operation, upgrade, integration with third-party platforms / applications, etc..

Can the software or configurations be upgraded remotely to the Android Pos Terminal / Wireless Printer?2022-10-09T02:22:31+00:00

Yes. The software could be upgraded remotely through settings – remote upgrade. The configurations could be done remotely through settings – remote setting – terminal ID, then login http://goodcom.cn/dl/login.php

What are the android pos terminals and printers mainly used for?2022-10-09T01:19:34+00:00

Restaurant online food order, contactless delivery / takeaways, mobile topup & airtime recharge, mobile payment (cash in & cash out), utility bill payment (e.g. water, electricity, gas, etc.), lottery, car parking ticket, bus ticketing, etc.

Can the format of layout (printout, receipt, ticket) be customized?2022-10-09T02:18:35+00:00

Yes. Goodcom provides the tool for format DIY, including header, footer, logo, etc.

Do you provide FREE SDK for the Android Pos Terminal?2022-10-10T01:09:35+00:00

Yes. Goodcom provides FREE SDK for multiple developing platforms: android studio, xamarin, cordova, etc. Contact with us for details.

Do you develop the software/app based on our demand? What is the cost?2022-10-09T03:52:44+00:00

Goodcom R&D Team provides customized services of software or android apps on customer’s demand. We provide free customization based on an order of certain quantity of devices. Or we charge small fee based on the time needed, and refund it after the customer purchase a certain quantity of devices.

Why using an Android Printer, WIFI/4G/3G/GPRS/SMS Printer for Restaurant Online Food Delivery2022-10-09T03:21:57+00:00

It’s a system that enables restaurants to manage online food orders and prepare for deliveries. Goodcom provides free software for auto receiving and printing orders sent from online ordering websites or mobile apps. Especially there’s free plugins for integrating with wordpress woocommerce store, wppizza, open cart, etc..

Does the Android Pos Terminal come with QR code scanner?2022-10-09T03:44:41+00:00

Yes. The camera is optional feature, normally required for scanning / reading QR ticket, bar code receipt, etc.

Do you update the OS of the Android Pos Terminal regularly?2022-10-09T04:02:40+00:00

There are two versions for choices: Android 7.1 OS – 1GB RAM & 8GB ROM; Android 10.0 OS – 2GB RAM & 16GB ROM. Goodcom R& D team is always working on the promotion of our technology.

Does the Android Pos Terminal support Bluetooth Print / Cloud Print?2022-10-09T03:58:36+00:00

Yes. The apps support bluetooth print or cloud print will work with our android pos terminal perfectly without second development.

How does the SMS Printer work?2022-10-09T06:34:34+00:00

The SMS will be received and printed automatically by the printer. And custom message formatting can be implemented.

Do you provide woocommerce plugin? Where Can I download it?2022-10-09T06:09:06+00:00

Yes, we provide free plugin for receiving and printing woocommerce orders. Please contact with us for the plugin file.

What is the SMS Printer?2022-10-09T02:24:47+00:00

The SMS Printer is a portable, standalone device for receiving and printing messages sent to it.

Is a SIM card required for the Android Pos Terminal / Wireless Printer?2022-10-09T01:55:12+00:00

It depends. For the Android Pos Terminals and the Printers that support Wifi, they can work without SIM cards. For the 4G/3G/GPRS/SMS Printers, the SIM card is required.

How does the WIFI / 4G / 3G / GPRS Printer and Pos Terminal Work?2022-10-09T03:06:42+00:00

The handheld printer and pos terminal will communicate with web server via WIFI/4G/3G/GPRS data transfer. The communication is based on http get protocol.

Does the Android Pos Terminal come with NFC, magnetic card reader, or smart chip card reader?2022-10-09T03:32:07+00:00

Yes. The card readers are optional features. Clients will decide which type of the card reader they’d need and order the correct unit.

Do you provide app for the Handheld Android Pos Terminal?2022-10-09T03:48:22+00:00

Yes. Goodcom provides FREE APPs for online food order management, car parking ticket, bus ticketing, USSD top up, check out payment, etc. Also Goodcom provides free demo apps for NFC / Magnetic/ Smart card reading tests, QR generating and scanning, etc..

How does GcAnyOrder App work with Woocommerce Order Management2023-02-22T08:53:12+00:00

We provide “goodcom printer for woocommerce” plugin for free, which will connect GcAnyorder App to your woocommerce store for order receiving, printing, and confirming. Follow the INSTRUCTIONS for setup.

Does “goodcom printer for woocommerce” plugin work with multi vendor plugin2023-02-22T08:59:00+00:00

Yes. The “goodcom printer for woocommerce ” plugin for order management works with “multi-vendor-for-dokan” plugin. It could manage orders sent from different Res IDs. Contact Us for details.

Do you provide Apps for the Android Pos Terminals? Do you charge fee of the apps?2022-10-13T12:02:47+00:00

Yes we provide apps for different ticketing solutions: online food order management; car parking ticket; bus ticketing; USSD top up; lottery ticketing; etc.. We provide the apps for FREE.

Does “goodcom printer for woocommerce” plugin supports WCFM plugin2023-02-22T09:07:11+00:00

Yes. We developed an extra plugin to support WCFM for multi vendor stores. Contact us if you need it.

Find more details of how the ” goodcom printer for woocommerce ” plugin works for woocommerce order management – printing, receiving, and confirming order through the Goodcom Android POS Printer.

What connectivities / interfaces can your portable printer support?2022-10-09T03:15:13+00:00

The printers are mainly working via Wifi, 4G, 3G, GPRS, SMS, USSD, STK, Bluetooth, USB, etc.

What languages are supported by the Wireless Printers?2022-10-09T01:58:22+00:00

English, Spanish, Arabic, Persian, Italian, Portuguese, French, Danish, Polish, Swedish, Vietnamese, German, Chinese, etc. (Customizable)


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